I'm still here. Still in my community. Still with a lot of frustrations. But.
But, I have some work. In my community I've gotten one family started with worm composting of their kitchen scraps/garden refuse. I have another family with a small garden and another will a simple greenhouse for producing vegetables.
What I'm really excited about, though, is work outside of my community. As of late I have been working with a group of people in Aguas Zarcas, which is my nearest large town. In fact, my community (Garabito) is part of Aguas Zarcas. Think of Garabito as a borough of Aguas Zarcas. Anyway, this group of people includes the director of the large school in Aguas Zarcas, a couple shop owners, my host father, and a couple other prominent figures in the area. We are preparing an environmental awareness weekend the 30th of September through the 2nd. What it looks like is Friday there will be a small inauguration and activities/cultural plays/environmental charlas Friday. Saturday we will be cleaning up streams and rivers, and planting trees. Sunday we will have a bike rally to promote clean transportation and spread the word about environmental awareness. It has the potential to be really, really big. We are inviting all of the news channels and already have lots of donations for big corporations/businesses all around Costa Rica.
An offshoot project of this is to eventually start a recycling center in Aguas Zarcas. Recycling is a relatively "new" concept here and we are pushing it in the schools. The problem is that there are very few recycling centers in the area and so even if a family were to separate their trash nobody would pick it up/it wouldn't be taken anywhere. We hope to fix that.
After this project I am planning to head South to give gardening classes in another volunteer's site. That's basically it for now as far as work is concerned.